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Bright Staff:


Moh. Hafidurrahman


Fauzan Advantage


Abd. Hamid

Manager Marketting:

Syamsuri Rifal

jAssalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Thank to Allah the lord of the world because we can do our activity easily iinclude Bright Bulletin which can be our friend in practical English much less English is media of international communication.

Terima kasih pada Allah SWT. Raja alam semesta karena kita bisa melaksanakan aktifitas kita dengan mudah, menerbitkan Bright bulletin yang bisa menjadi teman peraktek kita dalam bahasa Inggris apa lagi bahasa inggris adalah mobilitas dari Komunikasi international

Shalawat and Salam always be upon the world revolutionary, our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us from the bed culture to the good culture such as at this time. How have you been BB Readers bare calms? Praise be to god we can smile again in front of you all, to days BB appears with new rubrics that is gonna be very useful for readers god willing, and we really hope that.

Shalawat beserta Salam tetap tercurah limpahkan pada revolusioner dunia nabi kita Muhammad SAW yang telah membawa kita dari kegelapan pada dunia yang terang benderang seperti saat ini, oh ia Bagaimana kabarnya reader-reader BB yang kalem-kalem? Alhamdulillah kita tersenyum lagi didepan kalian semua and

Sekarang BB tampak dengan rubric baru yang insya Allah akan sangat berguna bagi pembaca dan kami sangat berharap seperti itu.

Praise be to god with the translating of this magazine there are many readers who feel very helped by BB and that is what we hope and I hope the readers not only read the translating but also they read the English. Because the real fact most of readaers of BB just red the Indonesian translation and we hope the following day it won’t be happened any more, ok???!

Alhamdulillah dengan di terjemahnya majalah ini banyak sekali pembaca merasa sangat di Bantu oleh BB dan memang itulah yang kami harapkan. Dan kami harap Pembaca tak Cuma membaca terjemahannya aja tapi juga membaca bahasa inggrisnya karena ternyata banyak juga pembaca yang hanya membaca terjemahan iindonesianya saja dan kami harap itu tidak terjadi lagi ke belakang, ok???!

And if instance you have new ideas, suggestion, criticism that will make BB better and more benefit to BB readers, please send it to our editorial staff, and to BB readers which isn’t in Bata-bata bording school, you can send it to the OSIS in your school or to everyone so long as it arrive to our editorial staff and also you can send it via E-mail, don’t forget…! And the last from me, happy reading.

Dan kalau misalkan kamu punya ide-ide baru saran maupun kritik bagaimana kiranya BB akan lebih bagus and lebih bermamfaat bagi Readers BB, silahkan kirimkan ke Redaksi kami and buat yang ada diluar Pesantren Bata-bata dikasih aja ke OSISnya atau pada siapa saja asalkan bisa sampai ke Redaksi kami atau bisa juga lewat E-mail di, jangan lupa ya…! N terakhir dari kami, selamat membaca.


· Hi BB, I’m your new admirer, at first when I read BB, I admire on BB directly coz BB is an English Magazine to be translated into Indonesia so, BB really helps me in learning English especially in translation.

· But I have idea to BB, how if in the next edition BB appear with better topic for example topic for teenager, ok….. Good luck BB, Continuo……….!

o Hai BB aku pengagum barumu, pertama aku membaca BB aku langsung kagum pada BB karena BB adalah majalah b.ingris yg diterjemah ke bahasa Indonesia jadi, BB sangat membantuku dalam belajar bahasa Ingris trutama dalam penerjemahan!

o Tapi aku punya ide ne untuk BB, bagaimana kalau di edisi yang akan datang BB muatin topiknya yang lebih bagus dong,,, yang untuk remaja g2…..ok! Good luck BB, LANJUTKAN………..! SMANTAB Bangkalan

· Hi, yeah, that is what BB hopes! BB can be useful for everyone

· That is a good idea, thanks….

o Hai juga, yah, itu yang BB harapkan, BB bisa berguna pada siapa saja

o Itu ide yang bagus, makasih ya…

Hi, older of Bright, how are you?

You are fine, aren’t you? I’m one of your Fans who is very proud of your works that is very dashing but, how more impressive again if your works for the next edition is given “wise words” in order that your works for the next edition more beautiful from the previous edition.

Hai… kak bright, gimana oubya kabar?

Yang pasti kakak baik-baik aja kan? Aku salah satu fans kakak yang sangat bangga dengan karya-karya kakak yang keren banget tetapi alangkah lebih kerenya lagi kalo’ karya kakak yang edisi selanjutya dikasih kata-kata mutiara, Agar karya kakak yang selanjutya lebih indah dari sebelumya

By the by older BB I want to request song the title is “Pujaan hati of Kangen Band”, but translate in to English language

Oh… ia kak aku pengen reguest lagu yang berjudul (pujaan hati-Kangen Band) tapi terjemahanya ya

By: Noer hadi

Some one of waru

Hi, I’m fine and you? Thanks on your praise, about wise word? Yeah… it’s good idea…

Because BB always gives the best for its readers, ok I will translate it, smile please!

Hai, aku baik, kamu? Terimakasih ya atas Puijiannya

Tentang kata mutiara? Yah, itu ide yang bagus, thanks ya.

Karena BB selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk para pembaca ok aku akan terjemahkan itu untuk you, hehe senyum dong…

Editorial staff

Halo elder bright BB who is very handsomer and handsomer by the by it’s me, your devotee the most loyal waiting for publishing of BB, by the by how about your holiday for two month, is it gratify, or not? If for my self is very gratify, but I don’t know about elder brother BB

Halo kak BB yang makin tampan aja , oh ia kak ini aq pengemar lho yang paling setia menunggu terbitnya BB , oh ia gimana liburanya selama dua bulan menyenangkan nggak?kalo buat aku sendiri sangat menyenangkan , tapi aku tak tahu gimana liburan kak BB?,

By the by how about elder brother BB feeling after back to boarding house, may be elder brother BB disfeel at home or worried because elder brother BB’s girl which is non sentries, because of that you had better look for female sentries group, So that if elder bright BB come back to boarding house and the female santri come back too

Oh…ia gimana perasaan kak BB setelah kembali kepondok mungkin kak BB merasa tidak kerasan atau gelisah , karna cewek kak BB bukan santri, makanya cari cewek itu golongan santri biar kalau kak BB kembali dia juga balik

By the by elder brother BB I want to ask song the title is (show me the meaning of being lonely) by: backstreet boys or from wali the title (bershalawat) ok…

Oh ia kak BB aq minta lagunya yang berjudul ‘show me the meaning of being lonely”dari backstreet boys atau dari wali yang berjudul “bersholawat”

By; baidawi {courageous}

Gibral gank kabuan punx

How come it be? May be it’s not the real, from whom do you know? But thanks on your praise may all your praise become true…My holiday? Of course it was very gratify, about girl elder BB has not been bargained yet! You want to look for me it? Hehe About the song, we will discuss first…

Masak sih? Kayaknya gak deh! Tahu dari mana? Tapi terimakasih ya atas pujiannya semoga apa yang telah you puji menjadi nyata…liburanku? Pastinya dong, menyenangkan! kalau soal cewek kakak masih gak laku nih! Mau nyariin buat aku tah? Soal lagu itu kami musyawarahkan dulu ya…

Editorial staff

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

Hi… bright how are you, you are fine, aren’t you……! Oh ya….. Why is your publishing late? However, l have been waiting for you …… boy! But, although bright publishing is later, I’m proud of Bright. Coz Bright more exists in education world of boarding school. Moreover at Bata-Bata boarding school, bright can motivate sentries that English is very important. And I have opinion, how if the next edition of Bright without translating, like in story, jokes, or others. But I think like this, take the difficult words and give the meaning of it. And the meaning put in the end story. Thank you.

Hai… bright bagaimana kabarmu, baik-baik aja kan…….! Oh ya kenapa terbitnya agak telat ,….. padahal aku dah nungguin lho. Tapi meskipun bright agak telat terbitnya. Aku salut ama bright, karena bright semakin eksis di dunia pesantren, apalagi di bata-bata bright bisa memotifasi santri bahwa B,Inggris sangat penting!. Dan saya punya usulan, gimana kalau edisi bright selanjutnya tidak usah diterjemah semua seperi cerita, humor, atau yang lain. Atau saya pikir gini aja. Kita ambil kata yang dirasa sulit, kemudian diterjemah dan diletakkan di akhir cerita.

By: Wild@n’s Best Lover

Pasean’s boy

Of course I’m fine, sorry if I make you waiting, because there was any trouble in collecting of rubric so, we appear late. Your idea is the same with other reader that I have answered in former publishing so, please look up in bright the 11th edition ok…

Tentunya baik dong, maaf ya kalau udah kamu menunggu, karena telah ada banyak masalah dalam pengimpulan rubricnya jadi, Bright nongolnya agak telat

Pendapat sama dengan pendapat pembaca lain yang telah bright jawab di edisi sebelumnya, so, baca lagi bright yang edisi 11 ya, ok…

Editorial staff



Beginning of BBEC and LPBA that existed since some years ago and had undergone progress of all their own field of education

Berawal dari BBEC and LPBA yang telah eksis dari beberapa tahun yang lalu yang telah mengalami perkembangan tersendiri di bidang masing-masing.

Such as BBEC which gives opportunity for Bata Bata sentries for studying English language, the secular language, the international language that’s already familiar for people all over the world. The language, if we don’t know, we will be underdeveloped to be foreigner in this world.

Nisalnya BBEC yang memberi kesempatan untuk santri Bata-bata untuk belajar bahasa inggris bahasa yang telah mendunia, bahasa International yang tidak asing lagi bagi semua manusia di dunia ini.

Thus, BBEC has been being a field of English education for them who wanted to improve their futures.

Maka dengan demikian BBEC merupakan wadah bagi mereka yang mau memperbaiki masa depanya.

Medium and premedium have been being prepared by boarding school in order that, Bata-bata sentries will not be underdeveloped and able to implement and spread their knowledge either in this country or abroad and also, for the purpose they can keep up with world development not only good at theology but also good in other knowledge. In accordance with what our top leader said “how do we think, if stalling car’s read tahlil” that absolutely right. Coy…….!

sarana dan prasarana telah dipersiapkan oleh pesantren agar santri bata-bata terbelakangi dan mengimplementasikan dan menyebarkan ilmu baik di Negara ini maupun ke luar nagari dan juga agar mereka bisa mengekuti perkembangan dunia gak Cuma baik dalam ilmu agama tapi juga baik dalam ilmu yang lain. Sesuai dengan apa yang telah di katakan oleh pengasuh kita “masak sich kalau motor mogok mau di bacakan tahlil” bener bangat coy…..!

LPBA is place where sentries have taken arobic course, study alqur’an language and the other kitab’s language.

LPBA adlah tempat dimana santi kursus bahasa arab, belajar alqur’an dan bahasa kitab-kitab yang lain.

Santry inclined with theology, word sentry is a special word for them who study at boarding school, boarding school inclined with its Arabic language so, we often hear word “if sentry could not speak arobic, must be questioned”

Santri identik dengan ilmu agama, kata santri merupakan kata khusus bagi mereka yang belajar di pesantren, pesantren identik dengan kitab-kitabnya, kitab identik dengan bahasa arobnya jadi, sering kita dengar kata-kata “kalau santri tidak bisa berbahasa arab perlu di pertanyakan

So, LPBA has been giving them an opportunity not only good at talking Arabic language but also making easier in reading kitab and deepening theology.

Jadi LPBA memberi kesempatan bagi mereka gak Cuma mahir bahasa berbahasa arob tapi juga mempermudah membaca kitab dan memperdalam ilmu agama.

On Friday night 09th januari 2008 BBEC and LPBA celebrated farewell party together that it’s proposed by our top leader right that night our top leader asked to organize new course, named bilingual.

Pada malam jum’at taggal 09 02 2008 BBEC,dan LPBA merayakan pesta perpisahan bersama yang sebelumnya sudah di sarankan oleh pengasuh kita. Pada malam itu juga pengasuh kita meminta agar diadakan kursusan baru yang diberi nama bilingual.

Bilingual is a course which taught two language at once, English language and Arabic language it has been being in year period and only for them who will change into senior high school level,

Bilingual adalah kursusan yang mem pelajari dua bahasa sekaligus , bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Arob kursusan yang ber paeiode satu tahun dan hanya bagi mereka yang akan pindah ketingkat MA

Cause of thinking of plan that was planed by top leader of Bata Bata boarding school namely, international class it’s students are ones who talk Arabic language and English language.

Karna mengigat planning yang telah di planningkan oleh pengasuh bata-bata yakni, kelas international yang mana siswanya adalah orang berbahasa arob dan bahasa inggris.

By: M. Ainoerohman

Maxi Parker


Naughty students

At the time there was a teacher explaining lesson to his students then there one of student broke wind then the teacher ask to them “who has broken wind?” and they answer by loudly voice “we don’t know sir!!!”

Ketika itu ada seorang guru menjelaskan pelajaran pada muridnya lalu ada salah satu murid yg berkentut lalu guru itu bertanya “siapa yang barusan kentut?” Dan murid itu menjawab dg suara lantang “kami tidak tau pak!!!”

“So, who has broken wind if not you all?” then one of student answer “all of my friends don’t admit, I have seen mouse just now may be it broke wind sir!” after hearing the answer then all students in the class laugh together therefore the teacher was very angree to the students

“Jadi, siapa yang kentut kalau bukan kalian?” lalu ada salah satu murid menjawab “ semua tmen** kelas gak da yang mengaku, tadi aku melihat tikus pak! Munkin tikus itu yang kentut pak!”setelah mendengar jawaban itu lalu semua murid di kelas itu tertawa bersama-sama oleh karena itu guru itu sangat marah pada murid**nya

And the teacher gave them Punishment, afterward the teacher continuous the lesson and he explained about skin of animal that tannin, one of student ask “how if it tannined by kalpanax?” And the teacher answer “yes, it cans, but specially to your mouth”

Dan guru itu menghukum mereka setelah guru itu melanjutkan pelajaran, menjelaskan tentang kulit hewan yang di samak, da salah seorang murid bertanya “ bagaimana kalau di samak dengan Kalpanax?” guru itu menjawab “ ya, boleh, tapi hanya untuk mulut mu!”

By: Zaen Lyla

Boy of Bates Pangereman


One upon time when maftuhah was present new comer than they chat in living room but, when they are very nice their chatting than listen alif (her child) call his mother

Alif : mother I want to urine (alif said lord called his father)

Mother : wait minute please (the mother answer and hurried come to alif, but he always call his mother till many time than his mother come and hurried carried to bath room and in the bath room his mother advised him)

Mother: alif….if you want to urine don’t say so coz I’m shy lf there is new comer so, you can say other (alif mother’s advised him)

Alif : so how do I say? (alif questing)

Mother : you can said, that you want to sing didn’t to urine so, I don’t be shy to them(mother advised to him) than alif always do as mother said and always become his habit in very want to urine didn’t but sing, but one upon the night, he didn’t sleep with his mother, because his mother visit his grand mother who has been being sick so he sleep with his father at 02 .00 o’clock alif got his father up, because he want to urine

Alif : Fathers get up pleaser I want to sing... !

Father: don’t...! What time is it? Don’t sing right now you can sing tomorrow (his father forbid him)

Alif : Fathers get up please I want to sing (he repeats his quested to his father)

Father: you can sing tomorrow coz if you sing now our neighbor will be angry to us (his father is angry to him) but alif till cry perhaps louder and louder than his father said

Father: okay, don’t cry you can sing but slowly, you sing in my ear and alif open his underwear than he urine to his father’s ear after word his father shock, and asked to him

Father: why urine? You said that you want to sing (his father is sock)Alif : because my mother say that

Father: oh… I see that’s all wrong, you are to be honest, your mother advised wrong so in other time you have say honesty , his father advised by good word , and then invite alif to sleep again

By: baihaqi

( Mr.bya bayent’s)


Fishing in my favorite sport. I often fish in a small river with my best friend without catching anything but this does not worry me some fisherman are unlucky to get it in then they catch anything – not even old boots and rubbish after having spend whole morning on the river. I always go home with an empty bag cause I don’t know to get a-fish in an river there for making my though is wander anywhere till my boat is fid you must give up fishing !! my friend say “it’s waste of time” but they don’t realize one important thing . I’m not really interested in fishing I’m only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all. There for making fail to get it in a small river and I come back to my small village than one my friends say than you have to be patient to get it then he invite’s his friends to fishing again to the river after arrived in the small river he continuo his fishing to the middle in the fact he fall there and in fact many fish there like big fish namely “hiu” and the fish think “I’m very hungry” cause it long time didn’t eat and he thinks if I don’t eat it I’ll pass way. Than it attack directly to eating the fallen.



There are two friendships. They were with friend since they were child. They are ALY and BALY, Aly is a rather naughty student, and his hobby is making his friend laugh, while Baly is a good man, rather weird but cleverer than Aly.

One day when Baly was sitting down under a big tree in his school garden. Suddenly, there was a scream, directly he looked at where the voice came, he looked his friend came perenthically run and screaming his name.

After Aly arrived and sit down beside him, directly he asked Aly

Baly: “what’s wrong with you? Why do you run?”.

Aly: “I have a hot massage”.

Baly: “what kind of massage are you bringing to me?”.

Aly: “a hot massage”.

Baly: “so, what is the content of massage” .

Aly: “last morning , I got massage from an angel”.

Baly: “who is he”.

Aly: “angel who keeps a hell. His name is Malik”

Baly: “ What did he say to you?”.

Aly: “He told me that there was a devil that escape from the hell. And he asked me about the devil.”

Baly: “and then”.

Aly: “he forced me to give him know about the devil. But, be peaceful………..!!! (parenthically “berbisik” to Baly) I’ll never give him know “where are you now”.

Baly: “fuck you…..! you’re an original devil”.

Aly: “@^ & ### ^^^***!!!!.

By : A2!5



Cobaan Or what!!!??**

“Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have wrought, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, so that they may return.”

(Ar-Ruum: 41/The Romans: 41)

Dimulai dari banjir, angin puyuh, tsunami, Lumpur, gempa entah apalagi yang akan terjadi dinegeri tercinta ini? Begitu banyak bencana yang terjadi membuat para anak bangsa yang memiliki nurani ikut prihatin, sedih dan pilu. Tapi, cukupkah kita tenggelam dalam kesedihan dan kesedihan? Peristiwa demi peristiwa semestinya menjadi bahan intropeksi, ada apa dengan musibah? Adakah yang salah dengan rakyat kita, bumi kita atau pemimpin kita?.

It’s started from flood, whirlwind, tsunami, mud, earthquake and what else will happen in this beloved country? It’s so much disaster which have happened making people who has lustrous concerned, sad and sympathetic. But, is it enough if we are only sad and sad? Event after event had better become introspection for us. What happen with the disaster? What’s wrong with our populace, our earth or our leader?.

Perhatikan firman Allah yang Maha Kuasa, "Telah tampak kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia, supaya Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar)." (Ar-Ruum: 41).

Try to pay attention what Allah SWT said, “Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have wrought, that He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, so that they may return.” (The Romans: 41)

kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan ulah anak manusia. Ibnu Katsir menuliskan, makna "Telah tampak kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia...." adalah seperti kurangnya panen pada tanaman dan tumbuhan yang disebabkan karena kemaksiatan. Abul 'Aliyah berkata, "Barang siapa bermaksiat kepada Allah di muka bumi, maka sungguh ia telah merusak bumi, karena baiknya bumi dan langit adalah dengan ketaatan (kepada Allah)."

Brokenness in the land and in the sea is because of act of human being. Ibnu Katsir wrote the meaning of “Corruption has appeared in the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have wrought” is like the harvest of plant and vegetable are less which is because of wickedness. Abul ‘Aliyah said, “Whoever makes sin to Allah SWT on earth, so he really has broke the earth, because the goodness of earth and sky is with obeying to our god.”

Maksiat. Maksiat memang sumber dari segala bencana. Karena maksiat barokah tertahan. Karena maksiat musibah berdatangan. Kita, mereka semuanya tahu akan hal itu. Tapi kenapa kita masih tetap melakukan maksiat? kenapa mereka masih melakukannya? Apakah kita tidak sadar akan hal itu?

Sin, sin is really source of all disaster. Because of sin blessing has stopped. Because of sin disaster always comes. We, they all together know all of that. But why we still do sin? Why they still do it? Are we aware of that?

Dan ketika semua terjadi, ada yang menyalahkan tuhan mengatakan kalau tuhan itu tidak adil, ada juga yang menyalahkan pemimpinnya dikatakan kalau pemimpinnya tidak becus. Tapi, apakah semua itu bisa dibenarkan?.

And when all of that have happened, one of people blame our god and say that our god is unjust. And one of them blames their leader it is said that the leader is infapable. But, can all of them be corrected?

Coba kita fikirkan apa yang dikatakan oleh Asmaraman S. Kho Phing HO dalam buku ceritanya yang berjudul Jodoh Mata Keranjang.” Kita selalu menyesali nasib, menyalahkan segala peristiwa yang kita anggap buruk kepada sang nasib. Mengapa kita begitu buta, tidak pernah mau membuka mata untuk memandang dan melihat kenyataan bahwa semua sebab dari segala nasib berada pada diri kita sendiri? Kitalah sumber segala penyakit, kitalah sumber segala duka, sumber segala kesengsaraan!”

Try to think what Asmaraman S. Kho Phing HO said in his book “Jodoh Mata Keranjang” “We always regret the fate, blame every event that we always consider bad to a fate. Why are we so blind, we never open our eyes to see and look at the fact that all reason from every fate is in our selves? We are source of all trouble, we are source of all sorrow, source of all suffering!”

Ketika kita renungkan maka akan muncul dalam fikiran kita kalau semua itu takkan pernah terjadi andai kita melakukan yang akan membuat-Nya murka. Begitu banyak yang kita lakukan dan itu hanya untuk membuat-Nya murka. Dan coba kita renungkan hadist Dari Ibnu Umar bahwa Rasulullah saw. bersabda, "Hai golongan Muhajirin, ada lima perkara jika kamu ditimpa atau ia terjadi di lingkunganmu--saya berlindung kepada Allah jika hal itu terdapat di antaramu. Bila suatu kaum melakukan perzinaan (faahisyah) secara terang-terangan, mereka akan diserang penyakit yang belum pernah dialami oleh nenek moyang mereka. Bila mereka mengurangi timbangan dan takaran, mereka akan dihukum dengan kepapaan dan kemiskinan serta kelaliman dari pihak penguasa. Bila mereka enggan membayar zakat harta mereka, mereka akan terhalang beroleh hujan dari langit, kalaulah bukan karena hewan ternak, tiadalah mereka akan pernah diberi hujan. Bila mereka melangar janji Allah dan janji Rasul-Nya, mereka akan dijajah musuh dari bangsa lain yang akan merampas sebagian kekayaan mereka. Bila pemimpin mereka tidak menjalankan hukum-hukum yang tertera dalam kitabullah, maka silang sengketa akan berkobar di antara mereka." (HR Ibnu Majah, Al-Bazzar dan Baihaqi).

When we muse, so it wll appear in our thought that all of that will never happen if only we did not do what will make Him angry, it’s so much which was done by us and it only makes Him angry. And let’s think the deed of Muhammad from Ibnu Umar that Rasullah SAW, said, “Hi Muhajirin! There are five things if you’re striked down or it happen in your area. I am under the protection of Allah if the things happen between you. If people engage in illicit sex frank, they will be attacked by disease that is never undergone by their ancestors, if they decrease weights and measurement, they will be fined with poverty and poorness and cruelness from side of power. If they are averse to pay tithe of their property, they will not get rain from the sky, ...if they break the agreement of Allah and agreement of his massanger, they will be taken over by enemy for other country that will carry away a part of their property. If their leader do not perform the lows that was writen in the book of Allah, so dispute will flare up between them.” (HR Ibnu Majah, Al-Bazzar dan Baihaqi).

Semoga musibah yang menimpa bangsa ini menyadarkan kita untuk kembali ke jalan Allah Ta'ala, sebagaimana bunyi dari akhir ayat di atas, "... supaya Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar)."

May disaster that strike this country makes us aware to return to way of Allah SWT as what in the last of the ayat above, “That He may make them taste a part of that which they have done, so that they may return.”

**Sory ya jellek banget!!?? Maklum pertama kali he he he


Kata-kata semanis apapun tetaplah hanya sebuah ungkpan, yg kala kita dengar/baca Terasa menyenangkan Karena terangkai dari hati ditulis dg sejuta inspirasi Begitu indah kata hati itu Begitu lembut pesan dr hati Untuk hati yg kian menyapa menghipnotis jiwa, bila pesan Itu diterima semua akan terasa istimewa karena pesan Itu adalah cinta, cinta dr hati Cinta yg suci, cinta yg akan menjadi tangga menuju surga, dan kala pesan itu terbalas, apapun tentang dia akan terasa istimewa, senyumnya selalu terbayang kala tak lg bersama dan hati akan selalu bergetar kala menatapnya, jantung selalu berdetak lebih kencang bila didekatnya, mulut seakan bungkam karena takut salah. The sweet words more than anything, it unchanged that are just an expression which if we listen / read, it feels enjoyable that has created from heart, it was written with a billion inspiration, the sweet word of heart is so beautiful and it’s too soft massage from heart for heart, that all the more greats, hypnotizing souls, if the massage is accepted, everything will be felt better than normal because the massage is love, love of heart is pure love, the love which will be ladder to heaven, and if the massage is replied everything of him/her will be extraordinary, her/his smile always be imagined when n longer together and heart always terrible if watch the it, heart always beat faster if beside her, mouth feel speechless because afraid of wrong. Begitulah yg aku rasakan saat pertama kali ku lihat senyumnya, hatiku selalu berharap tuk memilikinya Karena senyum itu selalu mengikutiku kemana-mana Bahkan saat aku bangun tidur aku merasa aku bukanlah aku Tapi adalah auranya yg merasukiku dan karena senyum itu telah mengubah pola hidupku, semula aku gak Suka bercermin kini aku jadi betah lama-lama di depan cermin, nafsu makanku berkurang karena setiap aku sedang makan aku selalu mengingatnya yg membuatku langsung kenyang. That was what I felt at first when I saw her smile, my heart used to hoped possessing it, because the smile used to accompany me every where, even when I have just woke up I felt that I was not I was at the time but her aura which penetrated my soul and because the smile has changed my life system, at first I didn’t like staying in front of mirror for a long time, now I really like staying there for a long time, my appetite for food was decreased because if I were eating I used to remembered her that made me full directly. Seiring dengan perputaran bumi akhirnya aku bisa jadi teman dekatnya, aku senneng banget jadi temennya aku merasa dia adalah milikku walau kenyataannya tidak, kini hatiku mulai berbicara dg hatinya, sedikit kata-kata suka telah mewarnai Percakapan kita, aku sangat terkejut saat dia bilang gini: In a row with rotation of world, I could be her close friend I was very happy becoming her friend I felt that she was mine despite the fact that was not! This time I begun to spoke with her heart, little by little the heart word has colored our speech, I was very surprise when she said: "sebenarnya aku menyukaimu sejak bulan puasa lalu cuma karena ada temanku yg juga menyukaimu, ya udah aku mengalah, perlahan aku ingin melupakanmu tapi semakin ku coba lupakan, wajah mu semakin menghantuiku, dan pada saat itu da cowok yg ngajakin aku pacaran, sejak saat itulah aku jadi egois, mementingkan perasaaku sendiri, tapi sekarang cowok yg kusuka itu tlah hadir kembali dalam hidupku, aku senneng banget..." “Actually I have liked you since the fasting month ago, merely because my friend also liked you. so, I decided for giving up, slowly I tried forgetting you but if I tried more and more, your face frighten more than before and at the time there were a boy who was inviting me for going steady, since the time I have became egoist, emphasized my own feeling, but this time a boy whom I loved he has greeted my life, I felt very happy…” begitulah hati manusia, dipenuhi rasa cinta, menggelora dalam dada akhirnya pesan dari hati terungkap lewat mulut Membuat hati semakit kalut, gelisah menunggu jawaban, kami memutuskan untuk memikirkan tentang perasaan yang merasuki diri kita masing-masing dalam seminggu, apa perasaan yang menyelimuti hati kita itu benar-benar cinta atau tidak? Dia juga bilang “lo ini benar cinta mudah-mudahan ini yang terakhir” aku begitu senang mendengar kata-katanya kali ini. That is human, dominated by love feeling, rage in chest , in the end the massage from heart was expressed by mouth making the heart more chaotic, restless waiting the answer, we decided to think over about feeling that penetrate our each selves for a week , was the feeling that covered our hearts true love or not? She also said “if this feeling is true love may it able to be the ended” I was so happy listening her word. seminggu berfikir; sejak hari pertama aku mengalami perubahan yang sebelumnya aku gak pernah rasakan, nafsu makanku semakin berkurang, hatiku semakin kering rinduku hampir tak terobati karena kami udah berjanji dalam seminggu itu kita gak akan berkomonikasi, demi fokus berfikir tentang hati kita masing-masing, ku rasa jarum jam berputar lebih lambat dan mentari semakin lama menari di atas bumi yang buat hatiku semakin terjerat rasa rindu yang semakin hari semakin membuatku yakin kalau apa yang kurasa saat ini benar-benar cinta karena setiap langkahku bayangannya selalu mengikutiku. Thinking for a week, since the first day I underwent differentiations that I didn’t feel it before, my appetite for food was more decreased, my heart was dryer, I missed her almost could not be drugged. Because we have promised that for a week we would not talk each other, for sake of focusing thought our each heart, I felt the pin of watch rotated more slowly and the sun danced longer on the world, making my heart penetrate more with my yearning that made me surer that what I felt at the time was really love because every my step her shadow used to accompany me. akhirnya pada hari kelima karena aku sudah tidak kuat menahan rindu aku katakan padanya kalau aku sudah menemukan jawaban, tapi dia tetap ingin saling unkapkan perasaan pada hari ke tujuh, karena demikian, hatiku semakin perih melewati hari dengan menahan rasa rindu yang menyiksa, menuntut kesabaran yang hampir membuatku rapuh. In the end at the fifth day, because I have been not powerful to bear my yearning I said to her if I have found the answer, but she still wanted to tell each other about our feeling at the seventh day, so that my heart felt more poignant undergoing the day by bearing my yearning which torture my self, prosecuting patient ness which almost made me brittle. Detik-detik pada hari ke tujuh itu sangatlah membuat ku takut, takut kalau aku akan menelan pahit darinya, saat itu dia malah membuat aku semakin khawatir karena dia masih main kucing-kucingan tidak langsung pada pointnya, aku begitu bahagia melihat celah bibirnya mengeluarkan kata”ternyata aku yakin banget kalau aku sangat mencintai mu” at the moment of the seventh day, it has made me scare, afraid if I would swallow bitter from her, at the time she made me worrier because she still played tag, didn’t to the point directly, I felt so happy when I saw her lip space said “in fact I’m very sure that I really love you dia mengungkapkan kata itu diiringi dengan senyum manisnya yang tertahan sambil menatapku yang tak bisa mentupi rasa bahagiaku, 12 november 2009 adalah hari dimana kita saling mengungkapkan perasaan, kita berdua berdiri bersandar pada tembok, saling tebar senyum, disaksikan oleh tembok yang kita sandari dan pepohonan disekeliling kita, kami resmi menjadi seorang kekasih, kami mengikat hati kita dengan hubungan yang begitu agung yang kita namakan cinta. She expressed the word with her sweet smiles which hold up while watched me who could not hide my happy feeling, November 12, 2009 is day where we expressed each other about our feeling, we both stand up lean on the wall, smile each other, seen by wall that was lean be us and the trees around us, we were legitimate as beloved, we tied our heart with relationship which was so noble that we named love. sejak hari itu aku merasa lubang di hatiku telah ada menutupi, dengan cinta yang selama ini kucari, saat itu batinku berkata, ini adalah awal kebahagiaan dalam kehidupanku aku begitu yakin dengan hati ini, dengan hubungan ini karena dia adalah gadis yang lembut, perangainya menunjukan kesetiaan membuatku yakin kalau dia gak akan pernah tega tuk menyakitiku. Kini kebahagiaan mengiringi hari-hariku, setiap aku melihat senyum manisnya yang selalu membuat hatiku senang aku selalu bersyukur pada yang maha Esa telah memberiku bidadari yang kini menjadi sandaran hati, kalau aku lagi disekolah aku bela-belain membalas smsnya dan aku bilang bahwa dikelasku sedang tidak ada gurunya walau kadang ada gurunya, kami selalu sms_an dari jam istrahat waktu sekolah sampai jam 10 malam karena dia tidur paling break_nya Cuma “q maem dlu y, ntar llnjutin lg” setelah itu ya lanjut… begitulah kebiasaan sehari-hari kami waktu masih pacaran, kami dibutakan oleh cinta yang menguasai diri kita masing, sehari terasa satu jam, seminggu terasa satu hari.

Kami menjalani hari-hari kami dengan penuh bahagia, senyum saat itu aku berkata “ternyata punya pacar itu indah, aku merasa memilkinya walau kenyataanya tidak, karena dia adalah milik-Nya, yang sesaat aku lancang mengakuinya sebagai milikku” ya Allah ampunilah aku ya allah… padaharike 6, gak tau kenapa aku punya niat ingin mencoba cintanya aku bilang ke dia “setelah lulus SMA kakek ku menyuruhku untuk langsung kawin, bagaimana? Kamu siap? ” aku sangat terkejut mendengar jawabannya “aku minta maaf, aku gak siap lagian kalau mau kawin muda, jangan ngajak aku ” jujur jawabannya begitu menusuk jantungku, perasaan yang selama ini kubanggakan, cinta yang selama ini kuagungkan, hubungan yang terlewati dengan begitu manis, kini berubah dengan lautan garam yang menghantam dinding pertahananku yang hampir mengiris-iris hatiku, asin sekali terasa, kadang aku selalu berludah kala mengingatnya, lalu aku bilang ke dia “cinta itu bukan hanya sepatah kata “aku cinta kamu” lalu bisa bahagia senyum, tertawa, menangis, tapi cinta adlah kehidupan, perkawinan karena cinta diciptakan unutk kehidupan tanpa cinta kehidupan terasa hampa” dia malah jawab “iya. Tapi aku tetap gak bisa” huuuuh☻☻☻ ku berusaha menahan emosi, cinta yang awalnya selembut ice itu dengan perkataanya kini langsung menjadi api yang membakar hati, dengan sabarnya aku bilang lagi padanya, “cinta itu kan butuh pengorbanan” tapi jawabannya tetap gak bisa, kami bertengkar pikiran yang akhirnya ada salah satu diantara kami yang bilang “aku gak bisa nerusin hubungan ini”, aku begitu terkejut dengan ucapannya kali lalu aku jawab “ya udah kalau memang alasannya Cuma itu, entar aku akan jelaskan ke kakek, bagaimana enaknya, karena aku masih sayang kamu ” anehnya dia masih menjawab gak bisa, ya udah aku bilang ke dia, “ya udah, keputusan ku besok , pikirkan dulu baik-baik, agar tidak menyesal kemudian” itulah kata terakhirku di hari ke- 6

Akhirnya pada hari ke 7 aku katakana padanya “ ya udah, setelah aku pikirkan satu malam kita memang lebih baik putus, aku tau kalau kamu ternyata tidak mencintaiku, kamu hanya ingin main-main, aku berharap lupakan semua tentang aku, hapus semua tentangku dari hidupmu, nomer hp, foto, dan hapus juga aku sebagai friend di FB kamu, dan lupakan juga kalau kita pernah pacaran, aku gak ingin kenal dengan kamu lagi” itulah keputusanku. sejak saat itulah aku merasa geram dengan hidup ini, aku gagal lagi membina cinta dengan seorang wanita yang kusayangi, enatah aku yang salah? Karena telah ingin nikah muda, walaupun itu Cuma ingin menguji cintanya??? Atau munkin aku memang bukanlah yang terbaik untuknya, aku hanya manusia lemah yang tidak bisa diharapkan apa-apanya, munkin begitu, kira-kira siapa salah? Aku atau dia? Mau beri comment? Aku tunggu di FB : Fauzan advantage , e-mail :, twitter : FAUZANsweet, migg 33 : fauzan 14, ebuddy mobile messenger, fauzan_manis

By: Advantage


Between Aurora and Footbridges

Diantara Titian Dewi Fajar

The coldest night splutter duck down among slit my window I see behind window, the moon was shining, shine the night with it’s smile characteristics which can make all people admirers with the ray and light earth surface I feel cold , I try to fight the cold feeling embrace is my bolster

Malam yang begitu dingin berdesir menyusup di antara celah jendela kamarku, kulihat di balik jendela sang rembulan bersinar, menerangi malam dengan khas senyumannya yang bisa membuat orang terkagum-kagum kan pancaran sinar yang begitu terang menyinari seluruh permukaan bumi , aku pun merasakan kedinginan ku coba tuk memerangi rasa dingin dengan memeluk bantal gulingku,

I don’t know what’s up with my brain these night so that I can not close my eyes, I remember to charming face who always dancing in my eyelid

Erina sulisyawati , that is the name of woman who always making my heart beat fast when I meet each other with her what’s kind of feeling I have during this time gaze at so that I hard concentration when I remember her face, what is the true word all people say this is the name of love said my heart, how quickly ah really I don’t know all of it, the feeling who ever before I feel.

Entah apa yang mengusik pikirkanku malam ini sehingga aku tidak bisa memejamkan mataku teringat akan wajah ayu yang selalu menari di pelupuk mataku , Erina Sulistiyawati , itulah nama yang selalu membuat jantungku berdegup kencang ketika aku saling bertatapan dengannya entah perasan apa yang melanda hatiku selama ini sehingga aku sulit konsentrasi ketika aku teringat wajahnya, ‘apakah benar kata orang-orang bahwa ini yang di namakan perasaan cinta’ guman batinku. secepat itukah ah.. sungguh ku tak tahu semua ini, perasaan yang tak pernah aku rasakan sebelumnya.

Kring…! I listened sound of alarm clock I begin to open my eyes, I saw eight o’clock I’m hurried to make up my self cause I come late to go school after I arrived there I saw Mrs. Indah passionately give lesson about mathematic I opened the door slowly in order that is not listened by her, but, what flees is weak to give away strongly from her eventually will be know cause this mother famous stern in these school SMA 1 cianjur. I try to liquefy condition

Kring… kudengar jam beker berbunyi akupun mulai membuka mataku ku lihat sudah jam delapan, aku buru-buru berkemas diri karena aku akan terlambat masuk sekolah. Sesampainya di sana ku lihat bu Indah sedang asyik-asyiknya memberi mata pelajaran matematika, ku buka daun pintu perlahan-lahan agar tidak terdengar oleh Ibu guruku, tapi apalah daya sekuat apapun aku menghindar darinya pasti ketahuan juga karena Ibu yang satu ini terkenal galak di sekolah SMA 1 Cianjur ini.

Ku coba untuk mendramastirkan suasana

“Assalamualaikum my teacher”

“Waalaikum salam” and than my teacher turn left to me

“Henry why do you come late”

“One the road is jammed” said me lie to her in order to won’t get punishment

“Other time don’t come late any more”

“Yes Mrs.” I looking for my table besides corner left a few moments I stealthy glance Erina how is concentrations with her lesson, I give a little smiling to her when she look at eye me too. Cause the longer the time I admire her person hood the beautiful face. More over with her speech is beauty.

“Assalamualaikum Bu guru”

“ walaikum salam,” Kemudian Ibu guru menleh kepadaku

“ Henry kenapa kamu terlambat”

“anu, jalannya macet banget Bu” gumanku berbohong padanya agar tidak di kena sangsi. “ lain kali jangan terlambat lagi ya”

“iya bu” akupun mencari bangkuku di sebelah pojok kiri, sejenak ku lirik Erina yang sedang konsentasi pada pelajarannya ku berikan sedikit senyuman kepadanya ketika dia melirikku juga. Karena sudah sekian lama aku kagum pada kepribadiannya, wajahnya yang cantik, di tambah lagi dengan tutur katanya yang indah.

Unfeelingly that the beel has run. Is time to take rest, my friend though over to get out from class. I saw her seat down a lone , I son’t know what rage in my brain when I look at meet each other. I try to dare approach her

Erin why alone where is your friends?” said me to her

“They are leaving me alone”

“Can I accompany you?”

“ok, it doesn’t matter” actually ungood while I know her about one week but she seems a special woman whom ever I meet after so far I discuss with her unfeelingly the beel has rung it time to coming to their own class I give a good trace in the end of chatting with word “I like very much your performance” for the purpose she is interested in me too.ungood while we go home together from school. I usually go home with my jass car I saw her walk among student and I call her

Tak terasa bell berbunyi. sudah waktunya jam istirahat teman-teman ku saling rebutan keluar kelas. Kulihat Erina duduk sendirian entak apa yang berkecamuk dalam pikiranku ketika aku bertatapan mata dengannya ku coba tuk beranikan diri dengan menghampirinya

Erin kok sendirian mana temen-temenya?” kataku Padanya

“iya nih mereka tinggalin aku”

“ boleh aku temenin”

“ iya boleh nggak apa-apa kok” sebenarnya aku kenal dengan Erin nggak lama kira-kira satu minggu, tapi kayaknya dia adalah wanita special yang pernah aku temui. Setelah sekian lama aku berbincang-bincang dengannya tak terasa bell berbunyi tandannya masuk kelas masing-masing, ku berikan kesan yang baik di akhir chatting kami dengan ‘aku suka sekali penampilanmu’ agar dia juga tertarik kepadaku. Tak lama juga kami semua pulang dari sekolah. Aku seperti biasa pulang pakai mobil Jazz ku. Ku lihat Erina berjalan diantara kerumunan siswa-siswi lalu ku panggil dia

Erin let’s go home” ask me to her

“no way I’ll go home a lonely hen”

“it doesn’t matter your house near with my house” just as well my house was in cianjur of Jakarta shi is my neighbor, her family is a new inhabitant in our region because she ever tell me that she has just lived in our region, after forced her to follow me finally she crushed to follow me too. When she arrived in front of her house, I stopped there

“Thanks hen”

“Me too”

“Drop in first” said to me.

“Erin Pulang bareng aku ya?” pintaku padanya

“nggak usah lah Hen aku pulang sendiri aja”

“nggak apa-apa kok Rin rumah kamu kan deket dengan rumah aku” kebetulan rumahku berada Jakarta Cianjur dia adalah tetanggaku, kelurganya termasuk penghuni baru di daerah kami karena dia pernah cerita kepadaku bahwa dia baru seminggu tinggal di daerah kami. setelah aku memaksanya untuk ikut ahirnya dia luluh juga ikut denganku. setibanya di depan rumahnya aku berhenti di sana

“ terima kasih ya hen”

“ sama-sama”

“ nggak mau mampir dulu” katanya kepadaku

“No way in other time” she directly coming to her house and I speak car up for the purpose fast arrive my house, I get the time to think, why I didn’t receive her bid ohh…how stupid I am waste the opportunity after I arrive 9n my house I directly coming

“Peace be open you”

“And peace be with you”

“Eh…hen was go home”

“Aunt..!! When did you come?”

“This noon after you go to school I came with MAILA, you can see her, she is playing with your younger brother at the moment I saw her, she is my cousin from village, after such a long time I did not meet he, I saw her in different such a long time ago she knows more beautiful,

“nggak usah ah lain kali aja” dia langsung masuk rumahnya. Aku pun melajukan mobilku agar cepat sampai di rumah. Aku sempat berfikir kenapa aku nggak menerima tawrannya, uhh betapa bodohnya aku menyianyiakan kesempatan

Setibanya aku di rumah aku masuk kerumahku.



“eh Nak Henry Sudah pulang”

“tante!! Kapan datang”

“ tadi siang sehabis kamu berangkat sekolah tante sudah datang bersama Maila. Tuh lihat dia lagi maen sema adek kamu. Sejenak ku lihat Maila sepupuku yang dari kampung setelah sekian lama aku tidak bertemu dia ku lihat Maila beda dengan yang dulu dia sekarang tambah cantik .

Formally when I still child together with grand father in MADURA village at pamekasan area, there I always invited by her to ply something with her friend

“Why you look daze hen what are you thinking about” I startled listen greeting her beside me

“I miss you so much hen” and than she approach me

“Me too” said me to her

“Ehm” my mom and dady gaze at me such a give meaning with their inspection

“Hen MAILA will stay here, she will continuo her school in here with you” said dady

“Moreover she is your cousin, that’s right dady said mamy to me I startled listen their speaking that my cousin will stay here mas hen doesn’t want if I stay in this home with you” said her make me surprised by her talking

“Oh no, on the contrary I’m really happy if you here that right”said me to to her , dady turn his hand while nodding his head marked he is agree with that during less two o’clock we discuss together eventually I took permit to come in in my room cause I’m very tired.

dulu waktu ketika aku masih kecil aku berada di kampung bersama kakekku di madura daerah pamekasan disana aku sering di ajak Maila maen bersama dengan temen-temennya

“kok malah bengong mas Hen Lagi mikirin siapa?” akupun terkejut mendengar teguran Maila di sampingku

“ aku kangen sama mas Hen” kemudiaan dia menghampiriku

“ aku juga” kataku padanya

“ Ehm” mama dan papaku menatapku se akan memberi arti dari tatapan mereka.

“Hen Maila akan tinggal di sini dia akan melanjutkan sekolahnya di sini sama kamu” guman papa.

“lagian dia kan sepupu kamu, iya kan pa” kata mama aku terkejut mendengar perkataan mereka bahwa sepupuku akan tinggal disini

“mas hen nggak mau ya maila tinggal di rumah ini sama mas” cetus Maila membuatku sedikit terkejut oleh perkataaannya,

“ya nggak malahan aku seneng ada adek Maila disini iyakan pa” kataku padanya , Papa menoleh kepadaku sambil menganggukkan kepalanya bertanda bahwa dia setuju. selama kurang dari dua jam kami berbincang-bincang bersama ahirnya aku pamitan untuk ijin masuk kamar karena aku kelelahan.

The blowing air in early morning can make soul shake who ever struck by in soft rust her as if unable to refuse when the air attack just to give coolness of morning can make all people always recall with beautiful situation and perspire but, is not me my day is okay nut my heart is not, stress and worried remembering her beautiful face

hembusan angin pagi yang mampu menggetarkan jiwa siapa pun yang tertimpa oleh desiran lembutnya se akan tak mampu tuk menolak ketika angin menerpa tuk sekedar memberikan ke sejukan pagi yang bisa membuat orang selalu mengenangnnya akan ke indahan suasana yang tentram, namun tidak bagiku, hari-hariku memang berjalan dengan lancar namun hatiku tidak, perasaan gundah, gelisah terbayang akan wajah cantiknya,

Erin after such a long time I wait for you

In saving love I wait you

Your speech blew my hear

Fragment on longing

I see a light

And I nearly blind cause it

I don’t believe that I’ve came by angel of love

such was my situation speed up the flow of dejection my heart with make string word in case can be minimize my condition, cause sense fidgety to be lost how always hauntingly my sense unfeelingly the day has noon I stride my feel just walking, around four spear I get out leave from my room I listened sound of voice called me from the right direction, after I saw her the fact frina, at that very moment fizz my heart,

‘Erina.’ Sudah sekian lama aku menantimu

dalam tirani kasih aku menunggu

tutur katamu butakan mata batinku

di atas serpihan-serpihan rindu

aku melihat cahaya

dan aku hampir buta karenanya

aku tidak percaya bahwa aku di datangi bidadari cinta

begiulah diriku melampiaskan kegundahan hatiku dengan membuat untaian kata yang sekiranya bisa meminimalisir keadaanku, menghilangkan rasa resah yang selalu menghantui perasaanku. Tak terasa hari sudah mulai siang ku langkahkan kakiku tuk sekedar jalan-jalan. Sekitar empat tombak aku keluar dari kamar ku, aku mendengar sayup-sayup suara yang memanggilku dari arah kanan setelah ku toleh ternyata Erina , seketika berdesirlah hatiku, kuberanikan diri untuk menghampirinya walau terasa agak nervous karena aku tidak bisa,

I dare to approach her although I feel nervous because I can not control my soul when I gaze her beautiful eyes and I reluctant tot visit her

“Hen can you help me for while” she said to me

“What can I do for you?”

“Did you know the title this song” just by changes she turns on LENKA whom I like too,

“God willing I know”

“Please teach me because I know this song” she whimpers to me

“If I got the wrong the singer is LENKA with title trouble is your friends”

“any way did you like” she asks me”

“I like so much” “ok to night I’ll teach you’

mengendalikan jiwaku ketika ku tatap mata indahnya. aku tak sunkan-sunkan mengunjunginya

“Hen bisa minta tolong senentar” sapanya padaku

“apa yang boleh saya Bantu”

“ kamu tahu nggak judul lagu ini” kebetulan dia menyetel lagu ‘LENKA’ yang juga sangat ku sukai

“ Insyallah aku tahu, emang kenapa?”

“ajarin donk soalnya aku suka lagunnya” rengeknya padaku,

“ kalau ngak salah penyanyinya ‘Lenka’, dengan judul

“emang kamu suka?” tanyaku padanya

“suka banget” “ ok nanti malam akan ku ajari”

How happy I fell this heart if a angel invite me to fly the sky aunt greeting moon and stars was smiling and spoil to me, and it’s time she and I to see each other, I feel my heart is very happy night make my self always imagined her sweet smile always and the beautiful face, and probably this is a accurate time to express my feeling to her all the time cherished in my soul and make my self tortured by my feeling, I didn’t waste this opportunity, speak my heart

Erin may I ask something to you”

“What will you ask to me?”

“Actually since I saw first me I feel it’s as if there’s some thing that bothering me” while show my finger to the cast “I don’t understand what are you getting at hen” “I love you Erin” said me with obvious

“Would you receive my love Erin?”

Betapa bahgianya kurasa hati ini dikala sang bidadari mengajakku tuk terbang ke atas langit tuk sekedar menyapa bulan dan bintang-bintang yang sedang tersenyum manja padaku, dan tibalah waktunya aku dan dia untuk ketemuan, ku rasa hatiku begitu sangat bahagia pada malam ini sehingga membuat aku selalu terbayang senyumnya yang manis, parasnya yang cantik. Dan munkin inilah waktu yang tepat aku mengungkapkan persaanku padanya yang selama ini terpendam dalam jiwaku yang membuat diriku tersiksa oleh perasanku sendiri kepadanya, ‘aku tidak akan menyia-nyiakan kesempatan ini’ batinku berguman

Erin, boleh nggak aku nanya sesuatu sama kamu”

“Kamu mau Tanya apa” “ Sebenarnya sejak aku melihat kamu pertama kalinya aku merasa ada sesuatu yang mengganjal di dalam ini” sambil menunjukkan jariku kea rah dada “ aku nggak ngerti maksud kamu Hen”

“aku mencintaimu Erin” kataku dengan tegas

“maukah kau menerima cintaku Erin?”

I saw her bowed after I express my feeling to her and saw there was some thing clear step by step get out from he eyelid I’m dizzy too am I pushing her feeling aside all kind of question where in my brain at the moment Erin has conquer begin step by step to look up ward her head, I don not know what will she says to me I feel pulsate too, and I’m scare he will not receive my love, I give the deeper of gaze just giving certainly that I’m really love her I research the answer who has saved in her mind in the wink, she is smiling to me and…she turn her head to me,

“I love you too”

Ku lihat Erin tertunduk setelah aku mengungkapkan perasanku padanya dan kulihat ada sesuatu yang bening sedikit-dikit meloncat dari kelopak matanya, aku pun ikut bingung apakah aku menyinggung perasaannnya berbagai macam pertanyaan berkecamuk dalam otakku, seketika itu Erin yang dari tadi menunduk mulai sedikit-dikit mengangkat kepalanya entah apa yang akan di ucapakannya padaku, aku juga merasa deg-deg kan juga takut dia tidak menerima cintaku. Kutatap dia dalam-dalam untuk sekedar memberi kepastian bahwa aku sungguh-sungguh mencintainya ku telesuri jawaban-jawban yang tersimpan dalam benaknya, sekilas dia tersenyum kepadaku dan…. Dia mengganggukkan kepalanya kepadaku…

“aku juga mencintaimu”

“oh god is it true what she said to me at the moment I son not feel there was something strike hard my eyes I spill all everything with transparent tears to decorate my eyes god… you have given the beautiful mercy in my life as long I wait, I surprise what she has talked to me such as this is impossible for me I feel all the time mystery who can’t answer and how all together was expressed, I gazed her eyes she look crying subtly cause we had been promised our loving at this garden and we promise too that will walk on in life an death,

Erin his in the song do you want to learn”


“Oh Tuhan benarkah apa yang di ucapkanya kepadaku’, seketika itu tak terasa ada sesuatu yang menghantam di mataku aku tumpahkan semuanya bersama bening air mata yang menghiasi kedua mataku. tuhan kau telah memberikan anugrah yang terindah dalam hidupku yang selama ini ku nanti

Aku terkejut apa yang telah di ucapkanya padaku seakan ini mustahil bagiku, aku merasa misteri yang selama ini belum terjawab kini semuanya telah terungkap

Ku tatap matanya tampaknya dia juga menangis sedu, karena kita telah mengikrarkan tali kasih di taman ini dan kami juga berjanji bahwa cinta kami ini akan kita jalani sehidup semati.

Erin ni lagunya mau diajarin nggak”


Trouble Is a Friend (LENKA)

Trouble he will find you no matter where you go, oh oh.

No matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow, oh oh.

The eye of the storm or the cry in the mourn, oh oh.

You're fine for a while but you start to loose control.

He's there in the dark,

He's there in my heart,

He waits in the winds

He's gotta play a part.

Trouble is a friend,

Yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh!

The sun display the smile to the world, it show was shy to show the ray such as me, my daily walk on with beautiful day during one mounts we enter our story love,

Sang mentari menampakkan senyumnya pada alam tanpaknya mentari juga malu-malu menampakkan sinarnya, seperti diriku hari-hariku berjalan denngan indah selama satu bulan kami menjalani kisah cinta.

And precision on Monday my family is sitting down together, I intend to introducing he to my family especially to mamy and dady, but failed cause she can not come, she said that she has a promise with her friend, I follow sit together with my family I saw mamy and dady gether too suddenly my mamy called me,

“Hen comes here please”

“What’s up mom?”

“I want talk something to you”

“What’s a problem it’s secret” said me to her I more carious what she talks to me

“About and MAILA”

“MAILA!! I do not understand what you mean”

Dan ketepatan pada hari senin kelurgaku di sana sedang berkumpul, aku berniat untuk memperkenalkan Erin kepada kelurgaku terlebihnya pada papa dan mama, tapi gagal karena Erin nggak bisa datang katanya lagi ada janji ma temennya, aku juga ikut berkumpul di sana, tampaknya mama dan papa lagi juga ikut nimbrung di sana, tiba-tiba mamaku memanggil aku

“Hen sini”

“ada apa mam?”

“ada yang ingin mama bicarakan ma kamu”

“soal apa mam kayaknya rahasia banget” ketusku pada mama, aku tambah penasaran sama perkataan mama padaku

“soal kamu dengan Maila”

“Maila!! Aku nggak ngerti maksud mama”

Before your grand father pass away he testament to our family for the purpose if neither you nor she was grow up will be in tented with her”

“What!! I will merited, no mamy I don’t want” said me to mamy

“Above all you must want” said dad

“No my dad, I’ve been promised to her that I will engaged with her”

“How is she” he snarls “she is my beloved love” dad”

“Above all you have to engaged with MAILA”

“But I did not love her”

“love, what do you know about love” his vehement with angry rhythm to me and than he leaver me I try to restrain lovesick but the way I try the far IA hope to refuse this engaged,

sebelum kakekmu meninggal beliau berwasiat kepada keluarga kita supaya nanti kalau kamu dan Maila sudah sama-sama besar kamu akan di jodohkan sama Maila”

“apa di jodohkan!!!, nggak mam aku nggak mau” sergahku pada mama

“Hen pokoknya kamu harus mau” kata papa

“nggak pa aku sudah berjanji pa pada Erin bahwa aku akan bertunangan dengannya,

“siapa itu Erin” sergah papa “ dia adalah kekasihku Pa”

“pokoknya kamu harus tunangan sama Maila titik”

“tapi aku tidakmencintainya pa”

“cinta, kau tahu apa tentang cinta” ketus papa dengan nada marah terhadapku lalu papa meninggalkanku. Berulang kali ku mencoba untuk menahan rasa sakit hati tapi semakin ku mencoba semakin jauh harapanku untuk tetap menolak perjodohan ini

Suddenly I do not know my eye shed tears although I’m a boy but how won’t get hurt with decide it, I remember my promise to Erin where we were carve whom ever we promise together, it’s all will end like this “no!!!” soothed me,

Tak terasa tiba-tiba air mataku jatuh setetes-demi tetes meski aku seorang cowok tapi siapa yang tidak akan terluka dengan keputusan ini. karena, aku juga tidak mau dengan keputusan papa dan mama yang sepihak itu, aku teringat akan janjiku kepada Erin, dimana kita telah mengukir tali kasih yang pernah kita janjikan bersama. ‘Akankah semuanya kan berakhir begini’ “tidak…!!!” jeritku

The black could envelope surface world the air roar with a stiff breeze such as understand what I feel this time is like my soul were being sorrowful because I while engaged with a girl whom never I love, I don’t know what’s going on if she knows about it,

Awan hitam menyelimuti permukaan alam angin berderu kencang, seakan mengerti apa yang aku alami saat ini seperti jiwaku yang kini sedang berduka karena aku akan di jodohkan dengan seorang wanita yang sama sekali tidak aku cintai, entah apa yang akan terjadi nanti kalau sampai Erina tau semua ini.

It has been five days, I didn’t come to school because I’m being sick, my parent bring me the one of the hospital in cianjur region too, I do not know what kind of sickness I get, I have been five days in the hospital doctor said that my sickness is usual fever and I had been permitted by doctor to go home tomorrow, an I stayed in my house during one week, is time my engagement with MAILA on Saturday, the party very cheerful I stayed in my room along I do not know what I have to do this time cause my thought always think Erin only she is in my mind it has been a few days I did not meet her, probably she has foreknown my engage, I try to call he by mobile ponds but she didn’t begin to speak after trying and trying finally she speak to me ny her hand pond

Sudah lima hari aku tidak masuk sekolah karena sakit, kedua orang tuaku membawaku ke salah satu rumah sakit terdekat di daerah Cianjur juga, entah sakit apa yang ku derita ini, aku juga sudah lima hari di rumah sakit, kata dokter penyakitku penyakit demam biasa, dan aku di ijinin untuk pulang besok pagi

Dan setelah aku berada di rumah selama seminggu, tibalah waktu pertunangku dengan Maila berketepatan hari sabtu. Pestanya berjalan dengan meriah sekali aku berada dalam kamarku sendirian, aku tak tahu yang aku lakukan pada saat ini karena pikiranku terus memikirkan Erin, hanya Erin yang berada dalam pikiranku sudah beberapa hari aku tidak bertemu dengannya. Munkinkah dia sudah tau tentang pertunannganku, ku coba tuk menghubungi dia lewat hp. Tapi nggak di angkat-angkat setelah beberapa kali aku mencoba ahirnya dia mengangkat handphonenya

Erin, are you”

“Yes I’m Erin hen” “where are you why didn’t call me” I quietest, I do not know what will answer to her or I have to tell about my engagement with MAILA, ‘said me in my heart’

“Hen what is wrong with you”

Erin I want to meet you right now you must get out from there”

“What is going on hen?”

“There is important thing I have to talk with you”

“Where” “in the garden” said me to her, I close my mobile pond than I take ignition key, I go out from my room I saw there are many people in my home, I glance MAILA, aunt, dady and ammy, I listened my dady call me when I go from my home but I did not care his calling I directly head for baggage I trun on my car and than I race my car with faster, when I arrive in there I saw erin sitting down on the stone the fact she istened sound of my feel than she look around me I didn’t restrain I directly embrace her, I poured all I embrace her firmly such as I don’t apart from her I release my embracing slowly,

Erin kau kah itu”

“iya Hen, kemana aja kamu kok nggak menghubungiku”

Aku terdiam aku tak tahu harus menjawab apa kepadanya, ‘apakah aku harus menceritakan perihal pertunanganku dengan Maila’ gumanku dalam hati,

“Hen kamu kenapa”

Erin aku pengen ketemu sama kamu, sekarang kamu keluar dari rumah kamu”

“ada apa Hen?”

“ada hal penting yang harus ku bicarakan sama kamu”

“di mana” “ di taman ” kataku padanya. Kumatikan hpku lalu ku ambil kunci mobilku aku keluar dari kamar ku lihat ada banyak kerumunan orang di rumahku sempat ku lirik Maila, tante, papa dan mama ku dengar papa memanggilku pada saat aku keluar dari rumahku tapi aku tidak menghiraukan panggilannya aku langsung menuju bagasi, ku hidupkan mobilku lalu ku pacu dengan sekencang-kencangnya Sesampainya di taman ku lihat Erin sedang duduk di atas bongkahan batu tampaknya dia mendengar derap langkah kakiku lalu dia menoleh ke padaku, tak tahan rasanya aku langsung memeluk dia, ku tumpahkan semuanya ku peluk dia erat-erat seakan aku tak ingin lepas darinya, perlahan-lahan aku melepaskan pelukanku.

“Eren” rusting me to her

“I do not want disappearance you”

“Actually what’s up hen you invite me here”

“there is the important thing I have to talk to you”ata the moment my chert roar I have the heart to see her leaved byb goward man is like out I have to express all of it to her,

Erin did you ready to disappearance me if it was predestined by Allah before”

“What did you say like that do not yoyu remember outr promise we promise together”a bir for living forever

“Did you remember with this paper,” where ever I stay I always bring it except you porget our promise which had been writing her,” while show it to me, I take the paper from her hand, I remember that when we charify heart each other, we get opportunity to write a testament.

Erin” desahku padanya

“aku tidak ingin kehilanganmu”

“sebenarnya ada apa Hen Kau mengajakku kesini?”

“ada hal yang penting yang aku bicarakan padamu” seketika dadaku bergemuruh aku tak tega melihatnya di tinggalkan oleh lelaki pengecut seperti diriku tapi, aku harus mengungkap semua ini kepadanya,

Erin sanggupkah kau kehilanganku jika ini memang takdir tuhan”

“kenapa kamu bicara seperti itu, kamu tidak ingat janji kita, janji yang dulu kita ikrarkan bersama untuk selalu bersama” kemudian dia mengeluarkan sebuah kertas

“apakah kau masih ingat dengan kertas ini, dimanapun aku berada aku selalu membawanya kecuali kau lupa akan janji kita yang telah kita tulis di sini” sambil menunjukkan kertas itu padaku” ku raih kertas itu dari tangan Erin, aku ingat bahwa ketika kita saling mengutarakan hati kita, kita sempat menulis sebuah perjanjian

· you will know keep me forever

· a big as trial, we will tacing together”

· let between us hate each other we will stay forgiving”

· and we won’t through except our god want we through”

“But is impossible Erin, cause I gonna engaged by my family with my cousin her name is MAILA,” at the moment I saw there is something in he eyes step by step fall in her cheek, I listened dhe call my name and I approach her I embers with firms I feel she is limp and fallen in

“What is going on” but there is no answer I take o’nes pulse her I surpprised there is no o’nes throuh pulse

“No erin don’t leave along


· Kau akan menjagaku selamanya

· Sebesar apapun cobaan, kita akan hadapi bersama

· Biarpun diantara kita saling benci satu sama lain kita akan tetap saling memaafkan

· Dan kita tidak akan berpisah kecuali tuhan memang menghendaki kita berpisah

“tapi itu tidak mungkin Erin, karena aku akan di jodohkan oleh keluargaku dengan sepupuku sendiri namanya Maila, adik kelas kita”

Seketika ku lihat ada butiran bening secara perlahan-lahan jatuh di pipinya ku dengar dia memanggil-manggil namaku aku menghampirinya ku peluk dia erat-erat kurasakan dia lemas lalu dia roboh dalam pelukanku

Erin kamu kenapa?” tapi, nggak ada sahutan apapun darinya ku periksa nadinya aku terkejut tidak ada denyut nadi.

“tidak Erin kau jangan meninggalkanku”


And the sky changes to be dark, the thunder shake hand each other such as understand what I feel this time and than step by step the rain come down hard moisten our body, and here is a memory we careved together would shattering forever.

Dan langit pun seketika berubah menjadi gelap, halilintar saling sahut-menyahut diatas Sana seakan mengerti apa yang aku rasakan saat ini kemudian perlahan-lahan turunlah hujan yang sangat deras membasahi tubuh kita dan disinilah kenangan yang telah kita ukir bersama akan hilang selamanya. THE END Written By: Hery_Cuex From: Jambringin Proppo



If we talk about love, I sure every one ever felt it cause is gift of god, and cause of love too we were born into this beautiful world and felt its beauty,

Jika bicara tenteang cinta, saya yakin setiap orang pernah merasakanya karna cinta adalah pemberian tuhan, dan karna cinta pula kita terlahir ke dunia yang indah ini dan merasakan keindahanya

As the wise words said “life without love is like garden without flower” so, it can be said that every one needs love their daily life, they will never be happy in their life without feeling in love I think, because love can motivator and friend in our life, so that it is impossible for some one to life without feeling in love.

Seperti kata pepatah “hidup tanpa cinta bagaikan taman yang tak berbunaga” jadi ini bisa di pastikan bahwa setiap orang nenbutuhkan cinta di kehhidupan sehari-hari mereka, mereka takkan pernah bahagia tanpa rasa cinta menurutku, karena cinta bisa menjadi motirator dan sahabat dalam kehidupan kita, sehingga tidak munhgkin bagi seseorang hidup tanpa rasa cinta.

But we remember that many kind of love in this world, not only love for woman but also many others, for example, love to Allah, love to our parent, love to some one around us.

Tapi kita harus ingat banyak sekali jenis cinta di dunia ini, tidak hanya untuk seaorang perempuan tapi banyak lagi yang lainnya contoh: cinta pada allah, cinta pada orang tua dan cinta pada seseorang di sekitar kita.

if I may tell my experience when hall in love with girl, I was very happy as if no body and mo one I wanted in this world, but some time done can also make us cry like baby, but if you ask me, did I ever cry because of love? Surely I answer I never cry because of love, although I ever felt broken heart because I think we are as man we shouldn’t because cry because of love.

Jika boleh saya be cerita tentang pengalaman saya ketika jatuh cinta pada seorang cewek, aku merasa sangat bahagia seolah-olah tak seorangpun dan tak satupun di dunia ini yang aku inginkan, tapi kadang-kadang cinta juga bisa membuat kita menagis seperti bayi, tapi jika kamu nertanya tentang padaku, apakah kamu pernah menagis karena cinta?pasti saya menjawab “tidak” saya tidak pernah menagis hanya karena cinta meskipun saya pernah merasa patah hati karena saya pikir sebagai lelaki tidak seharusnya menagis karena cinta.


èKalau aku sih nggak pernah nangis apalagi karena cinta, duh gak penting banget, paling nangisnya dulu waktu masih kelas dua SD kalau ma Mama gak diberi uang jajan, aku nangis, hehe…meskipun aku pernah Pacaran aku nggak pernah nangis! cinta aja aku gak tau apa itu? Karena aku belum pernah benar-benar mencintai seseorang…

Whether I never cry moreover because of love, it’s not very important, may be I just cried long time ago when I was in the second of elementary school if my mother didn’t give me pocket money, I cried, hehe..

Although I ever went steady I never cry, the love its self I don’t what is it?

Because I never really love some one…

Iis Sri Handayani

SMKN 3 Pmk

Yeah, I ever, at first I supposed that love is everything in my life and will guarantee my happiness and give beautiful feeling when we were together, at the time I really felt spoiled by love, every sound of my heart I felt happiness but by the end of the time the reality shown me the bitter of love at the time the first I cried, disappointed and at that moment I realized that love is just giving of God that has been created for life and some times it adorned with laugh and cry, and to all everybody who read this, whish me luck! May I able to get the really love and really understand me, love me, so that I will not cry anymore because of love, hmmm don’t forget yeah…!

Yah, aku pernah, Awalnya aku nganggap cinta itu adalah segalanya dalam hidupku yang akan menjamin kebahagiaanku memberi rasa indah saat bersama, saat itu aku benar-benar merasa di manja oleh cinta setiap detak jantungku kurasakn kebahagiaan tapi menjelang beberapa lama kenyataan membawaku pada pahitnya cinta saat itulah pertama kali aku menangis, kecewa, saat itulah aku merasa bahwa cinta hanyalah pemberian dari Tuhan yang diciptakan untuk kehidupan yang kadang dihiasi tawa dan tangis, tuk semua yang baca ini, doain aja semoga kelak aku dapat cinta yang benar-benar mengerti aku and saying aku sehingga aku gak akan nangis lagi karena cinta, hmmm doain ya!

By: Rumita Adelia

SMA 2 Bangkalan

Yeah, I ever cried but I didn’t cry because of girl friend but I cried because I love my friendships, at the time I was crying on last Ramadan day, I took course English for 27 days and at sound of ticking in the twenty seventh days- I cried because I would separate with my classmate and my friends in taking course, my tears run more swift when I was Aware that they has gone one by one from my side and I have realized that they had gone, I was aware, how beautifully the gather ness is?

Ya, aku pernah nangis tapi bukan karena cinta ama pacar, tapi karena cinta sama sahabat-sahabatku, saat itu aku nangis waktu bulan Ramadlan lalu aku kursus B.inggris selama 27 hari and pada detik-detik hari ke 27-lah aku nangis karena aku akan berpisah ma teman-teman sekelas and teman-teman kursus, air mataku mengalir semakin deras saat aku sadar bahwa mereka telah pergi satu persatu dari sisiku,dan aku baru sadar bahwa mereka telah pergi , aku sadar betapa indahnya kebersamaan.

By: Charly dx adv

2 all IPB Students, do U remind me?



In this morning the sun visible with very brighten

Without shy the sun visible run countenance who shine

But I don’t know why what’s up. I always think about you

And experience to the fullest about you

Sometime if I remember time on time

We ever passed by us

Whom once we net together this tears run without I feel

Is it possible the meaning of love, leather puppet or instead test

O…..h my god!!!!! Is there opportunity for me?

For meeting again with her, with someone who always present in my heart and always give me new inspiration in my heart…..!!!

Smile when you remember me,

Because at that time I miss you so much.


Generation of palengaan.

My princess

You were coming with your the best smile

Invite me to fly high without wings

My heart was happy when you said “you love me”

But now, you have gone

You have said “auf wedhershen” to me

My heart feels sad and sick

I try to forget you

Eraser all of our nice memory

But……..I can not do it

I try and try again

But……..I can not

Because, my heart still hope your self

I do not know, when I will be able to forget you

Or I do not want to ever forget you forever

By: city chaifi-ea “pu3”

For my friend of pulau


You see me…!!!

Do you point out Rightness Street?

Do you put for word beauty in your eye?

But why the rout is blocked?

Why the rightness is counterfeit?

In order that I am be enclosed in groin your death

In order that I swallowed up in your fate

And why the beautiful just appearance shadow

Which decorated in your sight demand?

So that I’m silent because crisis your heart

Right now please see me…!

You said this is prudence

Which all of word revolted because you

You are right did not have feeling

By: fawaid baida’ie

Generations of tlambah

Hurt Heart

The sweet of smile was lost swallowed by crack soul

The sweet of word was lost, don’t know were

This all …!

Because one word baze in the heart

And battle soul

Because your egoism won’t understand to the others persons

But, all this time I endeavor

To change the gully of sad to be laugh

But, to smile this heart is difficult

Such as glass which was crack

To back again is difficult

Up to when this word running in this heart?

And up to when in this heart will smile?

This self don’t know when these will the end

May be the time will answer

By: Dimas

My Love way

She gives her sing with her eyes

Because she afraid to her family as sign man who tells sorrow for nothing

And even make sure who says

Welcome my sweet heart

But if it her no good manner

The beautiful of the youths face

Is not useful of the I’m sure

That love will raise happiness to me

So I always endeavor

To my love forever

But my opinion love your honey properly

May be in next time

It ill be your enemy. .


By :wahyudi efendy


Angle twilight

Your face is full moon

Is the middle of June

Light earth contentedly

Your eyes are like pearl

That full with one million magic formula

Softness your words made my heart crushed

But, the end

The beauty full moon lost is like swallow up darkness

I feel disappointed with all of this

And I cause my foot to distant from this fact
for refreshing this heart.

By: f2 robaste


When the breath blows last moment

Feel…! That all of regret will come in

I try to builds

Dzikir, tahmid, tasbih and istiqfar

Although those

In the top of dzikir

I’m just joking around a bit leisurely a mistake

In the top of tahmid

My adoration when I have just gotten god’s gift grace

In the top of tasbih

It’s the only empty declaration from my poor soul

In the top of this istiqpar also is

Just my awareness which incline insult and humiliated bout of my deed

My god…!

I’m not land of rewards

I’m not merger of sins

I just a greedy hoarder

of your prohibitions only

By: flower “that is meaning the name”

Of my mom


Musician: The virgin

Title : interdicted love cinta terlarang

kau akan selalu tersimpan dihatiku//meski ragamu tak dapat ku miliki

jiwaku kan selalu bwrsamamu //meski kau tercipta bukan untukku

** tuhan.....berikan aku hidup satu kali lagi//hanya untuk bersamanya// ku mencintainya//sungguh mencintainya//rasa ini sungguh tak wajar// namun ku ignin tetap // bersama dia untuk selamanya // mengapa cinta ini terlarang//saat ku yakini kau lah milikku //mengapa cinta kita tak bisa bersatu//saat ku yakin tak ada cinta selain dirimu

Back to **.

You will always be saved in my heart//although your boast couldn’t be my own

My soul will always together with you//although you have been created not for me

** My god, please give a life //Although it’s one more time //Just only together with him// I love him…// I really love him//This feeling is very not proper // But I still want together with him, forever and ever...// Why is this love interdicted? //When I’m sure that you’re my own// Why our love couldn’t be allied //When I’m sure there is no love except you

Musician: the ORION (Band of Bangkalan)

Title : Forget Me Lupakan Aku

I couldn’t forget// the beautiful moments when I was with you //All of stories It’s may be only pleasant memories // I have to go // for Leaving you in my lonely // this is not my wish // to hurt you and your feeling // I am very sorry…//I am very sorry that I can not wait for your feeling // Please try to forget! My self in your feeling forever // I have to go // for Leaving you in my lonely // this is not my wish // to hurt you and your feeling // I am very sorry…// **will you sleep my honey the sun has been waiting for // welcome the morning later! // with the smiling in your heart // will you dream my baby? // with the entire your feeling // now is time we must separate // forever and ever (back to **)// Let me apologize that I can’t wait for your feeling // Please try to forget My self in your feeling forever

Tak bisa kulupa // saat-saat indah bersamamu// semua cerita munkin kini hanya tinggal sebuah kenangan // kuharus pegi// meininggalkan mu di dalam sepiku // bukan inginku // tuk menyakiti perasaanmu // maafkan aku // maafkan aku yang tak bisa menuggu hatimu// lupakan saja diriku untuk selama-lamanya // kuharus pergi meninggalkanmu didalam sepiku// bukan inginku tuk menyakiti pearsaanmu// maafkan aku // tidurlah sayangku // mentari telah menuggu // sambutlah pagi nanti // dengan hati tersenyum // bermimpilah cinta // dengan segenap rasa kini tibalah saatnya // kita harus berpisah // Maafkanlah aku yang tak bisa menunggu// lupakan saja diriku untuk selama-lamanya.

By; Wild@n’s Best Lover

Pasean’s Boy

Musician: WALI

Title : YANG

Dear… try to be honest to me //Dear … whose picture is in your wallet?

Dear … why you idle be like that//Darling ….! Please respond or I go my darling

I don’t want to talk about //Before you’re telling about all of it // What is longing, who is him self // Can’t stand up if there are the others // Don’t re get please a hold of me // It cans the last for us // I understand you, you don’t understand me // Right now, what is not at the longest? // Dear… don’t think that I don’t know // dear…Not easy you lied to me // Dear… please pay attention to me // But darling… is still suitable I call you darling //… My Darling I want to talk about // And I will tell you about all of it // What is my longing, who is him self // Because really there is no the other // Keep on re get please a hold of me // Don’t say to me that it the last // I understand of you, you understand of me //I love you at the longest

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