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Is it right, that the boy gave top priority to the body when he evaluates a girl? How far? That the fact, that individuality is not important?
Bener nih cowok lebih ngutamain fisik kala menilai cewek? Sejauh mana? Apa bener kepribadian jadi nggak penting?
I don’t know why? this the fact make happy or sad for women. That the girl’s action is in fact it all make boy interesting at first sight.
Entah ini kenyataan yang bikin gembira atau sedih buat kaum Hawa, bahwa penampilan cewek ternyata memikat perhatian kaum cowok pada pandangan pertama.
Of course according afik’s agreement that has been former KOPI Manager, “For the boys, the evaluating of girls is her action in the first time. So, face and beauty in girls become the most interest. Actually this comment Not only from afik but from farisi a journalist who still Unmarried also, said as afik comment. He is really like to See a white – skinned and straight long – haired girl. Oh my god, how beautiful she is!
Seenggaknya ini pengakuan Afik, “Buat cowok, pertama kali yang dinilai dari seorang cewek ya penampilannya. Menurut cowok putih yang miara jenggot wajah atawa kecantikan emang jadi yang paling dominan jadi perhatian. Selain Afik, komentar yang sama juga datang dari Farisi. Bujangan yang wartawan ini seperti mengamini pendapat Afik. Ia paling suka ngeliat cewek yang kulitnya putih dan rambutnya panjang lurus. Duile, abis di-rebonding?
Well, guys, this opinion not only from part of some boy but also the majority such as that. The boy’s eye will be ogle when he sees one of feminine creatures that are sweet and beautiful. Theirs head will be able to become slanted as soon as the beautiful scenery. Its mean, they will evacuate girls in the first time. So, if her style is nothing. Much less, she is non standard (he3x I’m so sorry guys, don’t be angry guys!) the dangerous any more, not a little boy was blinded by her style. So that, blind in matter seek a girl just correcting her body.
Guys, ini nggak cuma pendapat segelintir cowok, tapi umumnya demikian. Mata cowok bakal jelalatan begitu ngeliat mahluk feminin yang manis-cantik. Kepala mereka bisa ampe miring-miring demi pemandangan indah tersebut. Ini juga artinya mereka lewat pandangan pertama — bakal mengeliminasi para cewek yang penampilannya biasa-biasa aja, apalagi yang di bawah standar (jangan sewot, gaz). Gawatnya lagi, nggak sedikit kaum cowok yang sampe blinded, jadi buta dalam urusan nyari cewek semata ngeliat fisik belaka.

Eksploitasi Kecantikan
Exploitation Of Beauty

Ok guys, did you know about character basic of boys that has feel happy to beautiful girl. In fact that was advantaged by part of one that has not responsibility. We can see together. Almost all female white collar worker of society office has to make interesting appearance, But exactly for becoming Front Office (FO), SPG (Stand Promotion Girl), Sales clerk (euphemism), until to be secretary the first priority is beauty and shape of body. As we known, there is no a grand mother yet be FO or SPG. In than, although Sheller of cigarette but he drive a car, certainly he will be squatted by beautiful girl. Surely, it all has purpose for making power to interest of consumer. Especially for boys.
Guys, tahukah kamu, tabiat dasar cowok yang seneng ama cewek cakep ternyata dimanfaatin betul oleh sebagian orang yang kagak bertanggung jawab. Coba aja perhatiin, hampir semua kantor mensyaratkan karyawatinya kudu berpenampilan ‘menarik’. Nah, menarik ini kan kagak jelas. Tapi pastinya untuk jadi front office (FO), SPG (Stand Promotion Girl), pramuniaga, sampai sekretaris selalu yang jadi prioritas adalah kecantikan dan bentuk tubuh. Belum ada kan nenek-nenek jadi FO atau SPG. Dagang rokok pake’ mobil aja pasti ditongkrongin cewek yang cakep. Tujuannya jelas, menjadi daya tarik konsumen, terutama bagi yang cowok.
The difficulty now, there are part of happy girl that want to be attention centre. They won’t hesitate to show attractive. It can use cosmetic polished, perfume, or wear the mini shirt (you can see). They are really happy if their style becomes attention at first sight in Adam’s humanity. So that, ‘all that love wishes for is fulfilled’ therefore, it’s all caused the boy’s see is ogle and the girls like to look for attention.
Repotnya lagi, ada sebagian cewek yang juga senang jadi pusat perhatian. Mereka nggak segan-segan tampil atraktif. Bisa dengan polesan kosmetik, parfum, atau pakaian yang seronok. Mereka ngeh banget kalau sisi penampilan adalah yang pertama kali diliat oleh kaum Adam. ‘Pucuk dicinta ulam pun tiba’. Yang cowok matanya jelalatan, yang cewek suka cari perhatian.
So, this all argument was exploited by all capitalist. They are really realized if the beauty is commodity selling well. The contest of beauty or the election of model would be implemented is just for selling beauty. Hence, in order that it is not vulgar nevertheless it was added beauty and brain label. It said, it just for increasing Indonesia society, whereas it all just for selling beauty.
Nah, ini yang kemudian dieksploitasi abis-abisan oleh para kapitalis. Mereka sadar betul kalau kecantikan itu komoditi yang laris manis dijual. Adanya kontes kecantikan atau ajang pemilihan model kan ide orisinilnya adalah menjual kecantikan. Hanya supaya nggak dibilang kebangetan diimbuhi label beauty & brain. Padahal sih, dagangan pokoknya tetap kecantikan.
With a popular hedonisms life style, precede happiness body, the action is important for them. The size praise and disgraceful is what was nice felt by Sense of soul and brain only. Hedonisms has became opinion law for many human being. Because the hedonisms influence as strong as possible. It used to corrected action in his partner.
Dengan merebaknya gaya hidup hedonis, yang ngutamain kesenangan fisik, penampilan jelas makin penting. Buat mereka, ukuran terpuji dan tercela-nya adalah apa yang dirasa nyaman oleh indera dan pikiran semata. Hedonisme ini sudah jadi hukum opini buat banyak orang. Saking kuatnya pengaruh hedonis ini, menilai lawan jenis pun selalu berdasarkan penampilan. Please, deh!

Jaga Pandangan
Keep Our See

“Yeah, unfortunately if I did not see her”. Amin said, he is studying in one of University in Pamekasan. As usual the men will make gossip when he is seeing something beautiful. Although, they are not reach ogle but their eye will peep by wink. Much less, the women respect too. Face is beautiful, body is plump and she has attractive style make interesting on men.
Yeah, mubazir kalau kagak diliat, celetuk Amin yang masih kuliah di salah satu Universitas di Pamekasan. Kayak gitu tuh omongan para boyz saat ngeliat barang bagus. Kalaupun nggak sampai jelalatan minimal matanya ngintip lewat kerlingan mata. Apalagi kalau ceweknya juga ‘ngejual’. Wajah yang cantik, bodi yang semlohai bin eplok cendol, tampil atraktif memikat perhatian cowok.
Okay guys, we like cute girl moreover her physic is cool, of course its ok. Who doesn’t like to beautiful girl, surely all like it, guys! But we can not do just be based on like or dislike. If it happened, association boy among girl will be broken. Letting our eye ogle neither positive effect nor make broken though and surely guilty of god. As Allah said.
Guys, Suka dengan cewek yang cute apalagi fisiknya cool, itu memang sah-sah aja. Cowok mana seh yang nggak suka. Semua suka, boyz! Tapi kagak bisa dong kita berbuat cuma berdasarkan suka atau nggak suka. Kalau itu yang terjadi ancur deh pergaulan pria dengan wanita. Ngebiarin mata jelalatan juga bukan perbuatan yang positif. Selain ngerusak pikiran, pastinya dosa. Allah Taala berfirman:
“Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks and guard their private parts; that is purer for them; surely Allah is Aware of what they do.” (The Light: 30) “Katakanlah pada orang-orang beriman tundukkanlah sebagian pandangan mereka dan jagalah kemaluan mereka itu lebih suci dari mereka, (An Nuur:30)
Looking make brain is not concentration too. Because after seeing a beautiful girl our thinking will imagine about something broken. Whereas, is not surely, the girl like us too. Its mean, we throw a good think for something well. We remember her, whereas, she will not remembers us surely. Lose out, guys! So, our prophet messenger Muhammad SAW mentions it is sin with lustful looks.
“Adam’s humanity can not undo his self from any sexual act outside marriage. The sin with lustful looks is look at with desire…”
Pandangan juga bikin pikiran jadi nggak karuan. Bukankah setelah ngeliat cewek cakep pikiran jadi ngebayangin yang nggak-nggak. Padahal belum tentu itu cewek mau sama kita. Artinya kita udah buang-buang pikiran untuk hal yang nggak berguna. Kita mikirin dia, padahal dianya belum tentu mikirin kita. Rugi banget, bro! Nggak salah kalau Rasu
lullah menyebut pandangan macam itu sebagai zina mata.
“Anak Adam tidak bisa melepaskan diri dari zina. Zinanya mata adalah dengan memandang …”
All right guys, safe your looking at and your thinking from something that has negative effect. How to overcome it? Let’s follow tips below.
Allright guys, selametin deh pandangan dan pikiranmu dari hal-hal yang negatif. Caranya? Ikuti tips-tips di bawah ini.

1. Don’t look at girl’s genitals. Because every body girl is unlawful except face and her hand palm. So, don’t see except both of them. Up to you, what will you do, ‘providing that he is not closed and opened eyes’ either bow or turn way above all not look at.
1. Nggak memandang aurat wanita. Seluruh tubuh wanita adalah haram kecuali muka dan telapak tangannya. So, palingkan pandangan dari selain keduanya. Terserah, mau merem (asal jangan merem-melek), mau berpaling, mau nunduk, whatever yang penting nggak ngeliat.
2. Ok Guys. I agree whit tour opinion that in Islamic, looking at face and hand palm without desire, although it’s okay. But it without desire so that if we do it by desire and enjoy it. So, it is forbidden by Islamic. So, what is the limitation of desire? According one of scholar of Islamic. Desire is marked by passions and sexual desire as erection. Either a few enough or more. Easily, if we see monkey we are not lustful, are we?!.
2. Memandang muka dan telapak tangan nggak dengan syahwat. Meski oke-oke aja memandang keduanya, tapi nggak boleh dengan syahwat. Kalau dengan syahwat jelas haram. Apa sih batasan syahwat? Menurut sebagian ulama syahwat itu ditandai dengan adanya nafsu atau kecenderungan seksual seperti ereksi, baik sedikit ataupun banyak. Gampangnya, kalau ngeliat monyet kita nggak nafsu kan? He…
3. looking at girl’s genitals is apply able for marriage only. As Prophet said. That the boy can get permeation for seeing every body’s girl when he will apply for marriage only. They can see neither face nor hand palm. Although, this argumentation any difference in scholar of Islamic view. One of scholar is still forbid to see a girl genital except face and hand palm. A female relative can open her veil, if you read An-Nur verse; ………….it is group of a female relative. A female relative has permitted by Islamic doctrine for opening her veil in front of her husband.
3. Memandang wanita pada auratnya hanya boleh dalam lamaran. Rasulullah saw. mengizinkan pria untuk melihat wanita seutuhnya yakni saat akan melamar. Mereka boleh melihat selain muka dan telapak tangan. Meski ini juga terdapat perbedaan pendapat di kalangan ulama. Ada sebagian ulama yang tetap mengharamkan melihat selain muka dan telapak tangan.
Wanita mahram boleh membuka jilbabnya. Kalau kamu baca surat An Nur. Maka itulah kelompok wanita yang termasuk mahram. Para wanita yang mahram ini diizinkan syara untuk membuka jilbab dan kerudungnya di hadapan pria mahramnya.

Pribadi Lebih Utama
Private is better.
Aphorism said; don’t correct men in their action. It is so right, because action often deceive us. As book good in cover only. The content is not excellent. Therefore, don’t judge the book by its colour, So, the seam as us if we correct a girl behaviour in her action only. Afik and Farizy admit too that it is right. Although they want to have wife who has interest appearance. But, they are still think about the individuality. “If her face beautiful but she is not pious, it will make us confuse.” Said Afik.
Kata Pepatah. Jangan nilai orang dari penampilan. Bener banget, penampilan seringkali menipu. Ibarat buku, ada yang keren sampulnya doang. Isinya sih nggak bermutu. Nah, begitu juga kalau kita menilai pribadi cewek dari penampilan, bisa-bisa kejebak. Afik dan Farisi juga mengakui hal itu. Meski mereka berdua pengen punya pasangan (istri) yang tampilannya keren punya, tetep aja mereka mikirin kepribadian. “Kalau parasnya cantik tapi nggak solehah, ya bisa berabe,” kata Afik.
If we got wife whom has the bad physic. We have to receive her. Because it is from Allah Swt. He has given remembrance about this problem for us. As Allah said.
“Surely the most honourable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.” (The chamber: 13) Kalau dapat pasangan yang fisiknya jelek atau cakep Ya, terima dong. Itu kan udah takdir dari Allah, yang penting salehah, kata Farisi kalem. Shadaqta. Allah SWT. udah ngasih kita peringatan soal yang satu ini. FirmanNya:
“Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia di antara kalian, adalah yang paling bertakwa di sisi Allah. (Al Hujurat:13)
Nabi SAW said, if we chose wife of life because her religion. So that, her beauty, offspring and riches. I am sure that their household he will romantic and harmonic.
Nevertheless, don’t judge the girl by her action only. Well, how about you all? What will you chose both of them. (Think and chose by your self).
Kata Nabi saw, kalau kita memilih pasangan hidup karena agamanya, maka kecantikannya, keturunannya yang baik, dan kekayaannya niscaya rumah tangganya harmunis. Nah, jangan deh liat perempuan dari penampilannya doang. Salah-salah bisa ketipu. Oleh karena itu, bagaimana dengan kamu semua….? What will you chose both of them.
By : Syafi’ eL-Farizy ( The Former KOPI Manager. Generation of Kokop Bangkalan)
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