The love doctor
Talking about graduation ,it pass through in our mind for a few moment UGM, ITB, UIN, ITS, UMM, names of famous university in Indonesia even may be Al-Azhar Kairo and Oxford University in London that have been often implementing graduation ceremony in every year . But don’t be misconception first, the graduation ceremony had been implemented at BBEC is so different with most of graduation ceremony in commonly universities which is escorted by a title gift for every students it’self that had passed. The graduation ceremony had been implemented at BBEC just sign of ending course and farewell party for BBEC participants course.
Berbicara tentang wisuda sejenak terlintas dalam benak kita UGM, ITB, UIN, ITS, UM nama –nama kampus terkemuka di
Apart from that all the graduation ceremony had been implemented at BBEC is a great achievement and a credit for BBEC. Cause of BBEC had been legalized since the first of august two thousand and three had never implemented graduation ceremony before , so that the graduation ceremony on………………………….two thousand and ten is new history for BBEC development in next future. The process of this graduation ceremony is not as easy as inverting palm of hand, after getting instruction from top leader ( Raul ) on previous farewell party all teachers must endeavor hard cause of all participants of graduation ceremony are not only wear graduation ceremony cloths and toga but also have to memorize all content of Basic English Grammar for beginner that consist of a variety of English basic material from the eight part of speech, tense, modal auxiliary , degree of comparison, conditional sentence, question tag, till article and several other material must be learn by hear by all participants of graduation ceremony so it’s be own challenge for all BBEC organizers. It need not only routine training but also extra patience cause most of graduation ceremony participants are on their first learning English so that they get many problem in memorizing material.
Terlepas dari itu semua wisuda yang di lakasanakan di BBEC merupakan sebuah prestasi luar biasa dan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi BBEC. Pasalnya BBEC yang diresmikan sejak 01 Agustus 2003 sebelumnya tidak pernah mengadakan sebelumnya, sehingga wisuda yang dilaksanankan pada tanggal ………………………….2010 merupakan sejarah baru bagi perkembangan BBEC kedepannya. Proses wisuda inipun tidak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, setelah mendapatkan insruksi dari dewan a’wan ( Raul ) pada malam pesta perpisahan sebeleumnya para tenega educativ BBEC harus berusaha dengan keras karena semua peserta wisuda tidak hanya sekedar memakai pakaian wisuda dan menerima toga tapi juga diharuskan menghafal semua isi buku basic English grammar for beginner yang berisi berbagai materi dasar bahasa ingggris mulai dari the eight part of specch , tense, modal auxiliary , degree of comparisson , conditional centence, question tag hingga article dan beberapa materi lainnya harus hafal luar kepala oleh semua peserta wisuda sehingga hal ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para pengelola BBEC . Selain membutuhkan latihanyang rutin juga di butuhkan kesabaran yang extra karena kebanyakan peserta wisuda baru pertama kali terjun dalam bahasa inggris sehingga mengalami banyak kendala dalam segi penghafalan materi.
Praise be to god after through long process and exhausted from routine training in every afternoon and morning till marathon training this graduation ceremony run well and success as expected of BBEC organizers. As many as twenty one students could answer all of questions from all questioner that consist of BBEC and manager also several invitations guest. May in next future BBEC can be progress more, developing and can be more students graduated
Alhamdulillah setelah melelui proses yang panjang dan melelahkan mulai dari latihan rutin tiap sore dan pagi hingga latihan secara marathon wisuda ini berjalan lancar dan sukses sesuai dengan harapan pengelola BBEC . Sebanyak 21 siswa dapat menjawab semua pertanyaan –pertanyaan dari penanya yang terdiri dari derector BBEC dan managernya serta beberapa tamu undangan . Semoga selanjutnya BBEC semakin maju , berkembang dan lebih banyak lagi siswa yang dapat diwisuda .
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