Assalamualakum Wr. Wb.
Give thanks to Allah the lord of
the world. he is a creator and sustainer in the universe, because his mercies
we can enjoy beautiful days in our life .
Shalawat and salam always be upon
to the super leader and manager, our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has
taken us from the gloomy philosophy to the good one a we feel this time.
Dear BB lovers ….!
It’s a fantastic moment to smile. Because BB can appears you
with a new style, profile and certainly with a fresh staffs who handsomes.
Right or not…..? (see the pictures!).
In this
edition, BB presents for you all more about our simplicity. Because, it means a
beautiful change. As long as we know “ yesterday was a history , tomorrow will
be mystery and today is a luxury”. And we do hope you, not only read the
translating but also read the English, please…..!! it’s better for BB lovers.
And if you have a new ideas, suggestions,
criticism that will makes our Bright
Bulletin better and more beneficial to BB lovers, please send it to editorial
staff at BBEC office, and if you aren’t in Bata- Bata boarding school, you can
send it to OSIS (student association) in your school or to every one as long as
it can arrive to our editorial staff and also you can send it via E-mail ( see
in the cover).
don’t forget, ok…..!!!!!
And the last from BB for you “Just enjoy guys”.
Wassalamuaaikum Wr. Wb.
General advisor :RH.
Moh. Tohir Zain, S.Pd.I
Language advisor :Mr.
Hafidurrohman, S.Pd.I, Mr. wahyudi Evendi
Chief : Mr. Khotibul
umam Vice chief : Mr. Moh.
Secretary : Mr. Rizki hidayat Treasure: Mr. Ali wafa HS
Reporter: Mr. Moh fauzy, Mr. Iqbal afgany, Mr. Nurul hidayat
Lay out / Designer : Mr. Alim zain, Mr. Abd hadi
Editor : Mr.
Komaruddin S.Pd.I, Mr.Sufariyanto S.Pd.I
Marketting : Mr.
Moh Hafidz, Mr. Moh.Kholilullah , Mr. Moh.amin, Mr. Rofi’ie , Mr. Rifady
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