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Health is god’s favor, which we must be grateful to god. Caused, by it, we must take care our body to always hale and hearty. Because ”a healthy psyche lie on a healthy body” and to set a healthy body, pay, please! These tips bellow:

01 Drinking the plain water or fresh water so much. Be caused majority of our body is consist of the water.

01. Go sport regularly, As aerobic, Gymnastic, Swimming, etc. so that its all will help circulation of blood.

02. Taking rest sufficient. If don’t quite take a rest. Therefore, our body will be tired, so that to realizing many activities are not enthusiastic for spirited.

03. Eating regularly to prevent a stomachache. Because “preventing is

04. better than treating” and if our body is ill because a disease, it will not be healthy.

05. Eating the food as fruit, vegetables, etc. that contains many substances are needed by our body.

06. Massaging our body. Once a month or once two month because our body is like a vehicle,

07. which always is driven. Moreover, used while massaging is like an auto remain shop. A car
Has a repair shop. Moreover a body which we must take care well.

08. Don’t be drunker and smoker. Because, smoking is not a good for health of body. Besides wasting much money. (By the way …why about” bright bulletin boys” do you all cigarette lovers?)

09. Don’t forget praying to Allah. N order to become our body is always hale and healthy.

Those tip probably where enough to make hale and healthy body. So that we can worship to our god with full spirit as a symbol of our thank god. For
God’s fovour. If don’t satisfied yet about those tips “ask to grass which wobbles. Please!”
By: JPKS Girl

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